Multigene families include two or more nearly identical genes or genes sharing nearly identical sequences. A classical example is the set of genes for globin molecules, including genes on human chromosomes 11 and 16.

Multigene families include two or more nearly identical genes or genes sharing nearly identical sequences. A classical example is the set of genes for globin molecules, including genes on human chromosomes 11 and 16. 

How might identical and obviously duplicated gene sequences have gotten from one chromosome to another? 

A) by normal meiotic recombination
B) by normal mitotic recombination between sister chromatids
C) by transcription followed by recombination
D) by chromosomal translocation
E) by deletion followed by insertion

Answer: D

Several of the different globin genes are expressed in humans, but at different times in development. What mechanism could allow for this? 

A) exon shuffling
B) intron activation
C) pseudogene activation
D) differential translation of mRNAs
E) differential gene regulation over time

Answer: E

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